5 deep frames of bees, 3 brood and 2 food and a proven queen. Frames will have some empty space to ensure the queen hsa room to lay. All queens are marked. Nucs will be ready end of April 2025 through end of May 2025, weather dependant. Each nuc is sold in a pro-nuc box for easy transport. . Queens are locally grafted from a VSH breeder queen, open mated and raised by Trish Thompson of Pollen Peddlers Apiary. If you wish to purchase an instrumentally inseminate queen with your nucleus colony, please contact us directly for pricing.
Any nucs not picked up within 1 week of being ready will be forfeited. Deposit of $50 is non-refundable.
2025 - 5 frame deep nucleus colony
5 frames of bees, 3 brood and 2 food. Complete with a proven queen. Nucs will be ready end of April through end of May. Weather depending. Each nuc is sold in a pro-nuc box for easy transport. Client is required to bring 5 frames to exchange.